Omaha CSO

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Cole Creek CSO 203 Sewer Separation Project

Cole Creek CSO 203 Sewer Separation Project

The Cole Creek CSO 203 Sewer Separation Project included construction of sanitary and storm sewers to provide sewer separation to 125 acres in the area.

This project included construction of both sanitary and storm sewer and converted the previous combined sewer to either storm or sanitary sewer.

The primary objective of the Cole Creek CSO 203 Sewer Separation Project was to separate combined sewers in the area, reduce basement back-ups and potentially deactivate CSO 203 without increasing the peak stormwater discharge to Cole Creek.

This project reduced the amount of stormwater entering the existing Cole Creek Interceptor, thereby maintaining capacity in the interceptor during storm events for the conveyance of sanitary flows. It ultimately results in reduced sewer backups into area homes and reductions in combined sewer overflow volume and flow rate in Cole Creek.

Additional Resources

factsheet.png   Project Factsheet

COMpleted Date

Q2 2023

Contact Information

City of Omaha
Public Works Department
Christine Driscoll

Carollo Engineers
Weston Engel
(402) 496-4088

Public Facilitator
Felsburg Holt & Ullevig
Dave Lampe
(402) 445-4405

Roloff Construction Co. Inc.
(402) 861-1721

Project References

Project Number: OPW 53059

LTCP Project Name: Cole Creek CSO 203-1, Sewer Separation