Seeking input from the public is an important element in the development of the City's plan to reduce overflows and improve area rivers and streams. During the initial development of the Long Term Control Plan, advisory groups representing stakeholders were established, comprised of over 125 volunteers including residents, community leaders and 10 Basin Advisory panels. Once the CSO Program began implementing projects, the focus transitioned to specific project public outreach. The City and Program Management Team continue to meet with impacted residents, attend neighborhood and local business meetings and provide public input opportunities designed to inform, exchange ideas and receive feedback at key project milestones. Each CSO project includes public outreach as part of preliminary design, final design and prior to the start of construction.
Project Site Tour: Photo taken at an on-site CSO Program project presentation, an example of CSO Program community outreach efforts. Read more in the Q2 2023 Report.
The City and Program Management Team actively meet with area residents, attend neighborhood and local business meetings and hold meetings specifically designed to exchange ideas and receive feedback at various times during the design process of each CSO project. Each project will have meetings as part of Preliminary Design, Final Design, and prior to the start of construction.
Check back often for public meeting updates.
Check back often for updated news information.
The City of Omaha’s Clean Solutions for Omaha Program (CSO) has consolidated youth outreach materials for use by teachers, parents and students wanting to learn more about our efforts to improve water quality in our river and streams. These educational materials about stormwater and its impact on communities will help students better understand the need for conservation and keeping harmful materials out of our sewers.
Program Highlights & Video Gallery
Un Programa de Mejoramiento de la Calidad del Agua
For additional information regarding the CSO Program, please use the contacts listed below.
Jim Theiler
City of Omaha Public Works
Assistant Director
(402) 444-5225
Omaha Public Works Department
(402) 444-5220
The CSO Program is a City of Omaha Public Works Initiative. To learn more, visit
The City of Omaha Stormwater Program provides information on improving water quality. To learn more, visit
The City of Omaha Keep it Current initiative works to ensure the City’s water and environmental infrastructure is maintained. To learn more, visit